KATUMBA @ Brouhaha & Brazilica 2016

Our performances at Brouhaha and Brazilica, with pictures and video. Also featuring our friends and creative partners from Movema and Capoeira for All.

Mon 18 July, 2016

KATUMBA @ Brouhaha & Brazilica 2016

Our performances at Brouhaha and Brazilica, with pictures and video. Also featuring our friends and creative partners from Movema and Capoeira for All.

Mon 18 July, 2016

Obrigada for having us at Brouhaha 2016, 9th July and Brazilica 2016, 16th July, and also for taking so many pictures and videos of our performances with Movema (Brouhaha and Brazilica) and Capoeira for All, CIC (Brazilica) over those days!

Here’s a little collection of photos from our photographer friends and social media:

Photo by Mark Lycett, Brouhaha 2016.

Photo by Mark Lycett, Brouhaha 2016.

[fbvideo link=”http://www.facebook.com/sambaresille/videos/846535948816611/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0 or 1″]

#brouhaha #brouhaha2016 #katumba & #movema bloco

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#brouhaha festival in #Liverpool #itsliverpool #igersmersey #Katumba #drummed

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#katumba #brazilica @katumbabloco

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#katumba @katumbabloco

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For more follow us on facebook.com/katumbabloco. And if you’d like to get involved don’t hesitate to contact us.