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lwh - liverpool drum group after drumming events liverpool even though percussion lessons liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool

Sue’s Retirement Party

It was a good way to begin this new chapter in my life with energy and confidence to embrace something new. Thank you so much […] VIVA KATUMBA!

Sue’s Retirement Party

It was a good way to begin this new chapter in my life with energy and confidence to embrace something new. Thank you so much […] VIVA KATUMBA!

Oh wow…..what a great night we had. Thank you all so much at Katumba for making it so! Everyone was a little bit anxious at first […] but we were encouraged and praised the whole way through….what super mentors. I’m so glad (with your support) that I had a go as I’ve wanted to try it for ages. It was a good way to begin this new chapter in my life with energy and confidence to embrace something new. Thank you so much […] VIVA KATUMBA!