Katumba Culture Hub Team Photo - drumming lessons liverpool if liverpool percussion group as a result beginner drumming liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool
Katumba Culture Hub Team Photo - drumming lessons liverpool if liverpool percussion group as a result beginner drumming liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool

BIG NEWS: Katumba Culture Hub Opening this Saturday!

Saturday 24th November drumming band Katumba open doors to Liverpool’s newly refurbished community arts and culture hub, right in the heart of Toxteth.

By Leigh-Angel
Mon 19 November, 2018

BIG NEWS: Katumba Culture Hub Opening this Saturday!

Saturday 24th November drumming band Katumba open doors to Liverpool’s newly refurbished community arts and culture hub, right in the heart of Toxteth.

By Leigh-Angel
Mon 19 November, 2018

We have big news! 


For the past few months Katumba has been working behind the scenes on something very special…

We’re so excited to announce the opening of our very own Katumba Culture Hub!

We welcome you to join us on Saturday 24th of November 2018 to celebrate with a number of FREE workshops for the whole family! The day will be a colourful celebration of community arts and culture, full of free drumming and dance workshops, cultural performances and Brazilian food, with ribbon cutting by Liverpool Councillor Anna Rothery (full programme further below)

This large space housed within John Archer Hall in the heart of Toxteth will deliver arts and cultural activities for communities, young people, local and international artists and audiences.

The work would not have been possible without the support of Toxteth TV and the efforts of Katumba community. Over 50 people volunteered their time and skills to paint, clean, smash, build and create this fantastic space. Thank you to all who made it happen!


Watch our official video below for a glimpse into our story so far:




2pm Doors Open

2:30 – 3:00 African Drumming & Dance performance & workshop by Djembe Liverpool and Movema

3:15 – 3:30 Cllr. Anna Rothery to formally open the space followed by Katumba performance

3:30 – 3:40 Katumba and Samba Livre performance

3:45 -4:10 Katumba Drumming & Movement Workshop

4:15 – 4:35 Kitchen: refreshment break and raffle

4:35 Raffle Prizes Draw

4:45 – 5:15 Samba de Roda Workshop by Capoeira For All CIC

5:15 – 5:45 Chill out yoga workshop

*Brazilian nibbles and refreshments served throughout*


Click here to read more about Katumba’s building project and the event.