Katumba Culture Hub Opening - liverpool drum group yet drum practice liverpool therefore liverpool drum academy - Drumming Group Liverpool
Katumba Culture Hub Opening - liverpool drum group yet drum practice liverpool therefore liverpool drum academy - Drumming Group Liverpool

Katumba Culture Hub Opening – thank you to all who made it happen!

Music, dance, vibrancy and so much love… What a fantastic day we had opening our newly refurbished community arts and culture hub, right in the centre of Liverpool

By Leigh-Angel
Thu 29 November, 2018

Katumba Culture Hub Opening – thank you to all who made it happen!

Music, dance, vibrancy and so much love… What a fantastic day we had opening our newly refurbished community arts and culture hub, right in the centre of Liverpool

By Leigh-Angel
Thu 29 November, 2018

Now that’s what you call an opening party!

It was so beautiful seeing people of all age, nationalities and walks of life having a great time together!

Great participation with crowds joining dance, drumming and singing workshops, all with big smiles on their faces. Every performance was met with incredible support and reception, as audiences danced and laughed along with the performers. Councillor Anna Rothery samba dancing whilst Katumba show band drummed away was an unforgettable sight!

What a way to open a space where everybody is welcome, build community, where you can explore different activities, discover new passions, get healthier physically and mentally, and of course, have a good time!

Katumba’s facebook post:

“We have to say a HUGE obrigada to everyone who supported this day in all the many different ways that make magic happen: our delivery collaborators sharing their skills on the day, Movema Capoeira For All C.I.C Phil Windever from Djembe Liverpool Samba Livre Liverpool; the talented photographers and radiographers Mark Lycett Phil Jenkins Paul Frost James O’Hanlon; @Anapaulasilva for the delicious Brazilian nibbles; community championer and our fairy godmother Liat Currie Toxteth TV and the tireless advocate for equality and diversity the incredible Cllr @Anna Rothery Mayoral Lead for Equalities who cut the ribbon officially opening and blessing the space for all that is to come!

Last but certainly not least, the Hub wouldn’t have become a reality without the vision and drive of our Founding Directors Juliana Pinheiro Landimand Ritchie Tunstall, the dream team Leigh-Angel Bevan and Romero Souza Leão and all the members of the Katumba family- too many who helped out to name here-who have from day one given their time, skills, support, encouragement and joined us in this incredible journey. We couldn’t have done with you.”


Some messages of love and encouragement  below:





Watch our official video below for a glimpse into our story so far:



#community #katumbaCultureHub #drummingband #dance #capoeira #sambaderoda #liverpool