Katumba Halloween Carnival Parade Liverpool October 2022, Drummers withcentral smiling woman by Nick Mizen - drumming liverpool whereas drumming lessons liverpool despite the fact that drum classes liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool
Katumba Halloween Carnival Parade Liverpool October 2022, Drummers withcentral smiling woman by Nick Mizen - drumming liverpool whereas drumming lessons liverpool despite the fact that drum classes liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool

Post Halloween Parade Katumba Taster Session Tickets on Sale Now !

Feeling inspired to try drumming with Katumba? Sign up to our November taster session now!

By Leigh-Angel
Sat 05 November, 2022

Post Halloween Parade Katumba Taster Session Tickets on Sale Now !

Feeling inspired to try drumming with Katumba? Sign up to our November taster session now!

By Leigh-Angel
Sat 05 November, 2022

If you saw the Katumba drummers in action at the Halloween Carnival Parade last Saturday, you will have experienced the incredible vibe and impact a super-squad of 80 drummers can create.

All of the Parade drummers started out just like you – experiencing the show and wanting to give it a go.

The beat, the rhythm, the noise, the bounce, the style, the tribe, the teamwork.

It all adds up to a huge injection of joy, energy and impact.

The drums resonate with something deep inside us.

Our neuroanatomy says YES.

And the best thing is, you can join us too.


We have created a special post-Carnival drumming taster session to give everyone the opportunity to try out the Katumba drums for themselves. 

It’s the first step in joining the Katumba drumming crew!

So, step right up. What’s the best that could happen?

No experience required.

Simply book on to our taster session next Saturday November 12 from 10-12

This taster is for 18+

See you there!


Meet the teachers!

Check out all classes running at Katumba here 

See a list of Katumba live performance here