Drumming Group Liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool
Drumming Group Liverpool - Drumming Group Liverpool

St Patrick’s Primary School Katumba Take Over

Workshops in schools: how to reach every single child across an entire primary school in one day, Katumba style.

Mon 05 December, 2022

St Patrick’s Primary School Katumba Take Over

Workshops in schools: how to reach every single child across an entire primary school in one day, Katumba style.

Mon 05 December, 2022

Schools Workshops – a new level of engagement is reached by Katumba

We are delighted to share with the world that on Friday 2 December 2022, we welcomed every single child at St Patricks Primary school to the Culture Hub at John Archer Hall, Liverpool.

The entire school descended upon us for a day of energising and exciting exploration and education, with the fun and engaging theme of the World Cup and World Culture.

We accommodated over 200 budding young drummers, working across the EYFS, from Reception right up to Y6 – all in a single day.

St Patrick’s Primary is a diverse community that prides itself on respecting and treating everyone according to their mission statement of peace, love and understanding.

As you can imagine, we love them!

Our day of cultural play, rhythm, and movement – conducted we are proud to say in three languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese – was an ideal fit for their ethos, as well as their learning and development goals.

We would love to work with your school!

Get in touch right now and book a school workshop for 2023 in our space – the Katumba Culture Hub, John Archer Hall, Toxteth – or we are happy to come to your school.