Halloween 2023
The Zonbi takeover is complete!! Katumba’s Halloween Take Over swarmed the city centre once again this year.
Halloween 2023
The Zonbi takeover is complete!! Katumba’s Halloween Take Over swarmed the city centre once again this year.
What an unforgettable night we had at our annual Katumba Halloween Carnival this year, with our hoard of drumming ‘zonbis’ who swarmed Liverpool city centre alongside huge crowds.
Our Liverpool audience as usual didn’t disappoint, what a crowd of fabulous people, despite us being forced to start the parade earlier due to the heavy rains that were forecast.
Luckily the weather is rarely brave enough to interfere with our annual Halloween celebrations, but sadly this year we did experience a rare bad weather issue.
Consequently we had to make the difficult decision to start earlier to miss the heavy rain.
We’d like to apologise to anyone that missed out or was inconvenienced as a result of this.
We’d also like to say a massive thank you/obrigada to the incredible people who made this carnival a reality – it would not have happened without you!
That includes but is not limited to our talented Katumba drummers, Viva Brasil and their amazing dancers, our make up artist Sulli who created the fantastic ‘zonbis’, the Liverpool Echo for reporting the event, event photographers Trevor Greene, Tim Baker and Faye, Zest Event Management and all of our amazing stewards managing the parade, Liverpool One for letting us bring the Carnival to the streets, and finally UKSPF and Culture Liverpool for funding the community engagement.
Check out the Gallery of images below!
Please tag us in your pics on social media.
See a complete list of our Katumba themes and aesthetics here.
Book the band here.